Hot Tub Safety Starts with You
The hot tub safety tips below guarantee you can enjoy peace of mind while enjoying a soak in your tub.
Accessories For Hot Tub Safety
Simple accessories can make a big difference in the comfort and safety of your hot tub.
Hot Tub Covers — A secure hot tub cover provides not only insulation and energy efficiency, but it’s also vital for safety and should be used whenever your hot tub isn’t in use. Quality hot tub covers come with locking straps to hold the cover to the top of the tub, which adds a barrier to keep children and pets out.
Specially-Designed Steps — These can help you safely enter and exit your spa, which is an important component of above-ground hot tubs. Water-resistant non-slip steps should perfectly match the height and design of your hot tub model.
Gates — One of the best ways to ensure children and pets don’t have access to your spa is to install a lockable gate system around your hot tub. Gates should be at least four feet high.
Handrails — Wet feet and wobbly legs after a long soak can make it difficult to exit the spa. Installing a sturdy handrail can help to prevent falls.
Electrical Safety Tips For Your Hot Tub
Following these simple guidelines can protect you and your spa from electrocution and damage.
The installation of your hot tub’s electrical components — including any entertainment features like TV monitors or audio systems — is not a task that should be attempted by amateurs. Let a licensed professional from Emerald Spas and Billiards handle the installation so that you can safely enjoy your home spa.
Electronic devices or extension cords should never be used near your spa. Electrocution could result if they come into contact with water, so use battery-operated devices instead — or skip them altogether.
Always know where your hot tub electrical panel is located and how to safely disconnect the power to your tub in case of emergency.
Water Care Tips For Your Hot Tub
Clean, balanced water is mandatory for hot tub safety, so talk to your dealer about water care systems that ensure your hot tub is always safe to use.
Bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants thrive in untreated hot water, so before entering any spa use test strips to check for adequate sanitizer, total alkalinity, and pH levels.
Never mix spa chemicals and treatments prior to adding them to the water. Instead, use a small plastic bucket filled with clean water to pre-mix dry products, avoiding un-dissolved granules that may damage the spa shell or liner.
Always rinse off before soaking, ideally with soap and water. This will cut down on the amount of dirt and bacteria introduced into your water, which will help keep it clean and clear longer.
Personal Hot Tub Safety and Limitations
Every person is different and has different limitations, but the following tips can help ensure a safe and enjoyable soak for everyone who enters your spa.
While it can be tempting to take a long soaks in too-hot water, that can cause overheating and other medical complications. Most tubs are factory set with a 104°F maximum temperature, but the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) has determined that 100 – 102°F is a safer temperature for most healthy adults. It’s recommended that you keep the water at 95°F or cooler with kids over five years of age, and that you check with your doctor before letting children under five into the hot tub.
Spa sessions should be limited to 15 minutes, with less time when soaking at hotter temperatures. If you start feeling dizzy and nauseous, those are signs you’ve been soaking too long and it’s time to get out.
If you’re pregnant or have any medical conditions that can make you sensitive to increases in body temperature, such as diabetes, circulatory problems, heart disease, or high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before using the spa.
Be sure to stay hydrated before and after your soak, but avoid glass containers — broken glass and water is a dangerous combination — and use plastic instead.
Don’t consume alcohol before or during your hot tub soak. Alcohol can dehydrate you, particularly when combined with a heat source like a hot tub, and can raise your body temperature to dangerous levels, and impair your judgment.
Thinking About a Spa For Your Home?
Emerald Spas and Billiards, right in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is your one-stop shop for brand new Sundance Spas, covers, chemicals, and everything you need to make your hot tubbing experience the best it can be. Stop in and talk with our expert staff today!