Why Refelt Your Pool Table?
There are many reasons that a pool table owner may want to refelt their beloved game piece, but the key to getting the most for your money is knowing exactly when to have it professionally serviced.
The first and most obvious reason to replace your pool table felt is because it has experienced wear and tear, which is affecting the use of the pool table. While the pool balls themselves don’t often damage the felt, the chalk can act like sandpaper, which tears away at the felt fibers. While the damage is unfortunate, it’s considered a normal result of playing pool.
On the other hand, if there’s no damage to the felt, an owner may decide that they simply want to change the color, which can be done through refelting. True, it may not “need” to be done, but change is always good and that’s a quick way to brighten up any game room.
How Long Will Pool Table Felt Last?
The life of the felt completely depends on the usage and care of the table. For example, if the pool table is used for four to six hours every single day, you can expect your felt to last about three years. If you only use your table on weekends, then you can expect a much longer life.
In addition, keeping your pool table covered will help to protect and preserve your felt. You can also prolong the life of your cloth by brushing your table regularly. You can even take a small handheld vacuum to the table to remove all of the chalk that settles into the cloth.
Signs It’s Time to Refelt Your Pool Table
If you’re unsure as to whether or not you should recover your pool table, consider:
Felt is loose or torn — As experienced players can tell you, a taught, rip-free table makes all the difference in their game. When a pool table goes through years of normal wear and tear, the felt to become loose or tear in certain places. A pool table re-felting should be done any time you notice a change in the felt that will affect the game.
It might be difficult to see if a cloth needs replacing by sight alone, so slide your fingers along the surface to help you judge. If the cloth feels bristly, if it’s easy to pick pieces of fuzz and lint off the table or if the,felt responds to pressure from your hand with movement or bunching, it’s time to get some new felt.
Sick of the color — When pool tables first became popular, it was standard to see green felt covering in every game room. But times have changed, and the color options have multiplied into just about anything your heart desires — everything from wine and titanium to Aztec orange. The green that once represented a classic pool hall might not be a good match for inside your house, and with the options available today, it’s easy to swap in something new.
It’s simply time — Generally speaking, a pool table’s felt will last between five and 15 years, depending on the usage. If it’s been more than a decade since you’ve had it refelted — even if there are no outward signs of distress — it’s a good idea to re-felt it in order to keep it fresh and clean.